Oh how I miss my bloggie.
And my laptop's dead. Finally. So now it's at Acer's Repair Centre waiting to be dissected and then inspected for the cause of its demise.
I miss my laptop.I miss the Gigabytes of songs in it. I'm really blessed to have copied down 240mb worth of songs in my (brother's old) mp3. At least God left me with some spiritual songs.
Today's CG rocked. Thank God for my shepherd. I felt the sincerity in his ministering and that helps so much more in meeting God today at CG. It's been ages since I've not led a role and that has been an experience itself. Sometimes you're too highly strung up trying to minister, you forget to be ministered.
I've hit a crossroads in my ministry and I'm now poised to make certain decisions. Ah... Decisions... decisions. Got that urge to run away, but this time I'll be standing still and facing it. That's why I've accounted here!
And thank God for you Jason. Lots to share to you, and I hope you will share with me too. I'm glad for the chat at CG, but it's just way too short. I'd like very much to tell you my secrets and stuff, to trust you as a shepherd and a sheep. :)
God's Grace. And God's Truth. I've always been the kind that felt I needed to be vindicated. Born feeling like every part of me's dirty. And then I withdrew.
I'm glad that's all changed.
You know, the life on Earth's just a passing dream. If we lose that perspective of eternity, of conciousness beyond mortality,
we'll just be like anyone in history. Forgotten.I'm glad I'm worth more than that.
And a little more about me.I'm all about people; I can't stand being alone all the time.
Yet I sometimes love being alone and have an illogical fear of people.
What a contradiction.But then again, God, You use people like that...! :D